Episode 11

Published on:

30th Mar 2020

Ep. 11: Quick and Easy

Do you think it’s too much work to eat healthy? Does it seem that it’s cheaper to eat unhealthy foods than healthy foods? And what about eating on the go? We talk about ways to make healthy eating easy and low cost. And what restaurants and chefs are doing with plant-based options. Find the shopping list mentioned in today’s show and other bonuses at EatPlantsFeelWhole.com.

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About the Podcast

Eat Plants Feel Whole
Dr. George Guthrie presents scientific evidence behind the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle and lays out steps that can transform your present state of health. He’ll share stories of patients he has worked with who have made seemingly impossible lifestyle changes and experienced amazing, even miraculous, improvements in their health. By adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet and incorporating simple lifestyle changes into their daily routine—strategies he’ll share with you—they allowed their bodies to heal. Their insights and testimonials can give you hope that you can get better, too. Hosted by Todd Chobotar, Editor in Chief, AdventHealth Press.