Ep. 1: Healing the "Big 4
Is there a link between Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension, and Obesity – the Big 4? They come with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugars. We might think they are inherited, but lifestyle has just as much influence, if not more. The ability to manage these diseases is mostly in the realm of the individual’s choices. You CAN change your decisions and change your life. Which is more filling? Apples or apple juice? An ear of corn or corn oil? Processed foods have more calories because the food is more concentrated. Fill up your stomach with whole foods, which have less caloric density. The best time to make changes to your diet is now. When you make the changes, you gain the benefit. Eat more plants! Move toward eating more unrefined – that is, whole – plants. Find out more at EatPlantsFeelWhole.com